
Todays Mom Cozy Comfort Pregnancy Pillow Review

Todays Mom Cozy Comfort Pregnancy Pillow
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Let me say that this pillow has been a god-send to me!From the very early weeks of my pregnancy, I have been experiencing fairly severe hip pain after I wake up.I tried putting a traditional body pillow in between my legs at night to relieve the pain, but it didn't help.I still ended up turning over 4 or 5 times every night because my hips were hurting so badly.I finally gave in at about 7 months and bought this pillow.I wish I would have had it all along! Here is what I love about it:

1. It contours to my body very well, so my belly is supported at all times.
2. If I do turn over to sleep on my other side, I don't have to turn the pillow too because it wraps all the way around me!
3. I have not had any hip pain since I started sleeping with this pillow.I used to ache for at least an hour after waking up and even limped sometimes because the pain was so bad.Now, I wake up feeling great!
4. It is not as big as it looks in the pictures.I am 5'8" and it fits me fine.I thought it would be way too big and take up my whole bed, but it doesn't.My husband and I have a queen size bed and we can both sleep comfortably without the pillow getting in his way.

I would recommend this product to any pregnant woman.I know you will sleep well with it!

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Product Description:
Todays Mom Cozy Comfort Pregnancy Pillow Good maternity pillows are hard to find.It's all about mom's comfort when it comes to a pregnancy pillow and Today's Mom Cozy Comfort is an excellent maternity pillow. Sleeping on a Cloud Today's Mom has listened to the biggest concerns of...well, moms of course!One of the biggest pregnancy pillow problems has been hard edges digging into mom's shoulder. The Cozy Comfort has a curve shaped, shoulder support design, that contours to the shoulder an

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